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King_Viper is back to say hello! - Printable Version

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King_Viper is back to say hello! - King_Viper - Jul 16 2014

Hey you guys, most (I would venture to say all) have no clue who I am, but I just wanted to say hello once again. I am someone who used to play CSS on these servers back in 2011, and man have I grown up since then. Basically just wanted to say hello once again to the first community I was involved in outside of the game itself, and that I am glad to see these forums still up and active (also glad to see you guys didn't give me any real power 3 years ago, I was quite immature then)

I don't know if any of the old timers are still around, but I used to play with Hakop, Joker, Rabbit, and probably a ton more, just can't really remember since it was so long ago. I may pop back on here every once in a while (don't really play CS anymore, mostly just play LoL and Hearthstone), so if any of you guys happen to remember who I am, I would love to catch up and for all you guys who don't know who I am, I would love to meet you.

To add on to this, if any of you guys are actually interested in Hearthstone, I stream basically daily over on my Twitch channel, but I won't blatantly advertise on a forum I have respect for. If any of you are interested, feel free to PM me, and I will send you the link.

Old memories I have of this place was climbing up the leaderboards (whatever they were called, name is just escaping me now) and racking up tons of kills with the Deagle but being flaming garbage with literally every other weapon in the game. I remember trying to get some people together for a scrim, and there was a lot of issues with scheduling. I also remember a fellow by the name of HydrO, not sure if he is still around, but I remember he used to play the most and generally pub-stomp. Glad to see that Angry Animals is still a thing and is now functioning like a real clan, before it was a really exclusive group, not sure if you guys are still as exclusive as you were, but it was really cool just wearing the tag for the short time that I did.

As for the real reasons why I left and made a couple of "THIS TIME FOR SURE" coming back posts is because I legitimately had computer issues. The first time my ancient dinosaur's motherboard got fried, and it took several months before I was able to get another computer, and when I got that one, all my friends were playing LoL, so I hopped over and joined them. In July of 2 years ago, I made a post saying I was back, but that was possibly the most short-lived comeback of all time. I popped in for like 3 rounds on 24/7 D2 and then played like a game or two of DM and then just promptly fucked off back to League.

To wrap this up, this community was really awesome back in the day, and I'm glad to see it around and that I really do miss being a part of it, but nowadays I don't find CS to be as engaging, but as soon as I get a craving for it again, I will definitely pub up with you guys and enjoy some nostalgia for sure.

EDIT: God I just read some of my old posts. Jesus christ, what was wrong with me? I am cringing at what I'm reading, it legitimately hurts to read oh god. Well, I guess that's what growing up does to you; make your younger self look like a babbling moron who thought they were important and deserved power. Jesus. In case this wasn't crystal clear, I am blatantly insulting my younger self and I apologize if any actually still cares about some of the things I did back then, and I lied about so much stuff that didn't even matter. /sigh

RE: King_Viper is back to say hello! - BaNaNaMaN - Jul 16 2014

Welcome back !

RE: King_Viper is back to say hello! - Riser - Jul 16 2014

I remember you, saw you on pop maps every now and then.

Sadly none of the regulars play anymore, they all moved on. Haven't seen ZENK in a long time either. Hope to see you around the forums though!

RE: King_Viper is back to say hello! - Dragon - Jul 16 2014

Oh welcome back

RE: King_Viper is back to say hello! - King_Viper - Jul 16 2014

Riser, post: 112537, member: 992 Wrote:I remember you, saw you on pop maps every now and then.

Sadly none of the regulars play anymore, they all moved on. Haven't seen ZENK in a long time either. Hope to see you around the forums though!

Can't say I remember you specifically, although it has been some time. Yeah it seems that most of the guys from back then have moved on, much like myself.

RE: King_Viper is back to say hello! - Riser - Jul 16 2014

King_Viper, post: 112553, member: 944 Wrote:Can't say I remember you specifically, although it has been some time. Yeah it seems that most of the guys from back then have moved on, much like myself.
Yeah, back then I was the quiet guy and kept to myself and a bunch of close friends.

RE: King_Viper is back to say hello! - Alina - Jul 16 2014

Do you play SC2? You play another Blizz game, so...

RE: King_Viper is back to say hello! - King_Viper - Jul 22 2014

Alina, post: 112555, member: 18175 Wrote:Do you play SC2? You play another Blizz game, so...

Yeah I used to play SC2 back in the day. King_Viper isn't my normal alias though, I usually operate under Lottabullets or Ghost_Nappa0 on twitch