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Unbanned Unban Appeal: Splice - Printable Version

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Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Splice - Aug 31 2014

Name: Splice
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:475842
Server: CS:S 24/7 Crackhouse

I was apparently banned for a day (1440 min @ 2:45am on 8/31/14) for "Violation of objective/playing friendlies" in the wL CS:Source 24/7 Crackhouse server. At first I thought it was just Joltzz messing around but apparently some other admin did the ban. In the last 7+ years (including 3 as an admin at Refuge Gaming/Noob Refuge) I've never ever heard of the rule "violation of objectives/playing friendlies." From a certain point of view I can see how this rule could be logical (in certain servers and during certain situations. e.g. competitive/pugs) but at the same time, the server I was in, was a crackhouse server, it's meant to be an anything goes type of server.

Regardless of whether I think this is a valid rule or not, this rule was not mentioned in the MOTD of the server and I had no inkling that this rule actually existed until I was banned from the server. There was no warning prior to the ban and given that I have been an upstanding and active player that has never caused you guys any issues (been playing on your servers since you guys started your crackhouse server) I would sincerely appreciate the lifting of this ban.

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Riser - Aug 31 2014

"Ignoring game objectives (e.g., not trying to win or friendly zombies)."

I presume you know what friendly zombies are. It's just an example for the main rule which was ignoring objectives.

Anyway, I don't know if the banning admin issued a warning or not so just let him post his feedback here and we'll see where that goes.

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Splice - Aug 31 2014

You presume incorrectly my friend. I have never played in any zombie mods or zombie maps or whatever "friendly zombies" specifically applies to, so I didn't know what that was at the time. Using context clues, yes I could extrapolate what that means and translate that over to normal counter strike, but since it was explicitly listed, I assumed, incorrectly, that the rule about friendly zombies was specific to zombie mods. Bison has however explained that to me after the ban.

As for you not knowing if the banning admin issued a warning... he/she did not. If he/she did, I would have complied with the request. I have absolutely no reason to lie about this and if you do not believe me, simply check the logs.

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Masterful1 - Aug 31 2014

As the banning Admin, let me explain a couple of things here.

1. You were observed playing friendlies (Playing in cooperation with someone on the other team). You two were hold the roof of the building next to CT spawn together. He (a CT) would come look over the edge of the roof, and flick his flashlight at other CT's headed toward the ladder leading to the roof, thereby informing you (a T) that someone was coming that you could then peek over the edge and kill. That I have to explain to you, a supposed Admin of another community, that this type of cooperation between opposing team members give undue and unfair advantage to people and is unacceptable, really makes me wonder about whether you are trolling or not here. "Ignoring game objectives (i.e. friendly zombies)" IS in the MOTD.

2. The MOTD is your warning. Deciding to cooperate at this level is blatant and takes some type of communication and/or planning. This is why I decided not to give any further warning. You knew what you were doing was wrong. It could also be viewed as Stat Padding. You and your buddy both got a day off for this.

As far as the Crackhouse DM server being an "anything goes" server, the fact that rules are listed in the MOTD show this to be an incorrect assumption. You damn well know better. CT kills T, T kills CT. Pretty damn simple.

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Splice - Aug 31 2014

I don't appreciate you casting doubt on my previous tenure as an admin of another community; there was no "supposed" about it. What I stated was a fact, and can be verified if you really wanted to find out. I have the previous owners contact information if you wish to verify for yourself. If you don't like me, as evidenced clearly by your tone, that's fine, but as an admin of THIS community you should always remain respectful in all interactions with the people that frequent your community otherwise you create an unfriendly environment and give warlords a bad reputation.

As for the "ignoring game objectives" I did not need the other player to flash his flashlight, I could hear those players running perfectly fine on my own. As for "needing" some type of communication, the only communication there was, was what you saw in the game. I don't need "help" playing this game. Again, as I stated prior, I assumed (I already admitted incorrectly) that your MOTD which specifically added friendly zombies as an explicit example to mean that that meant it applied to zombie mods or pubs where there was a timelimit or objective of some sort other than to kill the opposing team.

As for the MOTD being my warning, that again suggests that I believed that this particular rule applied to this situation. Does doing what I did create an unfair situation? Undoubtedly. Did I know it was against the rules? No, because I thought it applied to zombie mod and other actual competitive type maps. With the exception of that one player I WAS killing the other players. Fact of the matter is, according to your rules, now that I understand it fully, is yes, I shouldn't have done that. But at the same time, according to your owner, the fact of the matter is that your owner has set down certain policies that clearly state that you as an admin should have provided a warning. You simply saying that the MOTD was my warning is not my warning per YOUR server's policies.

In reference to your comment about stat padding... if I wanted to stat pad, I would simply awp from window and never rush outside and never switch weapons. I could easily tell you what my stats would be if I were to only awp, because that's what I did at HellsGamers. I'm sure my kdr would fluctuate since warlords has a slightly different setup and because HellsGamers does not have the boxes all over the map, but the remaining stats would be roughly the same.

Seems to me, everyone sees "anything goes" and takes that phrase out of context. Perhaps that was poor word choice on my part. Anything goes to me, in the context of a crackhouse server with no objectives other than killing the other team, means I can kill who I want, when I want. By that I mean, I could decide to kill someone either the instant I saw them, or many minutes later. Some players decide to jump around not shooting or killing anyone, by your definition of "ignoring game objectives" that player should be banned, but that doesn't happen... why? Simply because, the server is kill or don't kill, play how you want. That is part of the allure of playing in a crackhouse server. It is simply mindless and repetitive and fun with no real objective.

I understand banning players because they have repeatedly failed to complete objectives, such as planting the bomb in pub servers like dust2 (and I have banned people for failing to complete objectives before, but only after multiple warnings) but never in crackhouse. Who am I to dictate to players how they play in a map that for all intents and purposes has no real objective?

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Masterful1 - Aug 31 2014

Splice, post: 113418, member: 17477 Wrote:Does doing what I did create an unfair situation? Undoubtedly.

Enough said, in my opinion. As for your Admin status in another community, I don't really care. It has no bearing, whatsoever, here. As for your opinion on whether or not you should be treated respectfully, I take that on a case by case basis. Someone, who KNOWS they are doing wrong, does it anyway, then cries about it after, thinking they can blah blah blah their way out of it, gets treated accordingly. If the Senior or Root Admins think I am out of bounds here, I am POSITIVE they will let me know. If you feel you have been mistreated by an Admin in-game, please navigate to the Admin Abuse section of our forums to report said problem.

As it goes, I stand by every single letter of my previous reply. You did wrong. You got nailed for it. Its a ONE DAY ban. Suck it up, buttercup.

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Splice - Aug 31 2014

That's fine. Be disrespectful, that's your prerogative.

"KNOWS"? How exactly did I know it was wrong if I didn't know that particular rule applied in this situation? That's what warnings are for. Seems you missed that part.

Yes I did wrong. I've already accepted it, still doesn't change your disrespectful attitude and your incorrect assumptions. I assumed that rule didn't apply, just like you assumed I knew that this was against the rules. Fun stuff.

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - illa - Aug 31 2014

So this is how Warlords treats one of its biggest regulars, a good player that spends a lot of time in the crackhouse server..."Suck it up, buttercup", its one thing to ban someone for something that normally you get a warning for (I have played this game at every level since 1.5), its another thing to be so direspectful about it. Its a one day ban but its about the principal, if you are trigger happy with your bans and direspectful to regulars, you will lose a lot of players very soon.

RE: Unban Appeal: Splice [UNBANNED] - Riser - Sep 01 2014

K guys lets get back on topic.

You did break one of the rules, out MOTD doesn't say that "The MOTD is your warning". I must have forgotten to put that in when we updated the site.

Masterful didn't do anything wrong, it was my bad for omitting that note that the MOTD is the warning.

I hope you do know now, that being a friendly enemy is against the rules and I suggest you go through the MOTD once again just to familirize yourself with the other rules. Remember the rules are very general.

As for your ban, it's been around 6 hours.. enough for a punishment. I've gone ahead and lifted both of them.