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Question about bans - Printable Version

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Question about bans - damon - May 23 2011

Hello all, i was recently banned for 'multi hack'. i asked to be unbanned in the request forum but was denied.

is this permanent? just curious as im new to the game, and pretty much every other server i get kicked for high ping.

am i allowed to reapply in a month, year,etc?

hopefully me asking in general isnt violating any rules, but i didnt want to post anymore on requests forum and piss of the admin who was talking with me.

RE: Question about bans - xFerior - May 23 2011

Yes the bans are permanent. Hacking isn't tolerated on our servers. Also, its one protest per ban.

RE: Question about bans - damon - May 23 2011

That's a shame.

I know it doesnt matter now, but the hacking issue comes down to 'he said, she said', and obviously you're going to side with the person you've known longer. There's no way for me to prove otherwise. I've played now for 4 days and this is the only server i've ever had an issue with. Sucks because it's the best too.

Anyways, take care, and thanks for taking the time to talk with me about it.

RE: Question about bans - Anubis - May 23 2011

Your protest has been updated: http://war-lords.net/protests/would-lik ... -unbanned/