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MG server under ddos - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: MG server under ddos (/thread-14694.html)

MG server under ddos - TheLastOne - Nov 03 2014

Hi there, American Mini Games server getting ddosed by a person called "Remmah" (probably) everyday. Every time when he coming/playing the server it getting 10-15 seconds lags or shutting down. Is there any way to stop it? For example ban his IP or prevent this attacks

RE: MG server under ddos - Hamaerox - Nov 03 2014

Why would you suggest it's remmah?

RE: MG server under ddos - TheLastOne - Nov 03 2014

Most server players which i know sure about that, other admin told once that the server getting ddosed from Australia, also its usually getting lagged when he playing

RE: MG server under ddos - Hamaerox - Nov 06 2014

There is no definite way to determine exactly who is doing the ddos'ing if it is actually happening at all. Please refrain from accusing players.