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Kicked for command spamming - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Kicked for command spamming (/thread-14723.html)

Kicked for command spamming - Dragon - Nov 13 2014

So recently,I am getting kicked for command spamming,happened thrice during a match.
And I dont even use commands,If I use I dont spam.
So why am I getting kicked?  Huh

RE: Kicked for command spamming - Macha - Nov 13 2014

i seen someone else getting kicked due to that too ..
can you copy and paste the console text written before you got kicked?

RE: Kicked for command spamming - RJU - Nov 13 2014

One player reported he was getting kicked because his mouse was broke and double clicking sometimes when he clicked which causes him to get kicked for command spamming. Could that be the case?

RE: Kicked for command spamming - KuYa - Nov 13 2014

I think it's possible. One time i was lagging hard and i hit the "H" button for me to kill myself and i lagged at the same time and i dont know why but the lag probably repeated the suicide so i got kicked for command spamming