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Denied Ban Appeal :) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Ban Appeal :) (/thread-14811.html)

Ban Appeal :) - Finlaze - Dec 15 2014

For more info:http://servers.war-lords.net/bans/29650

First and foremost,I am sincerely sorry for having hacked your server.To be honest,I didn't know what I was doing.Infact,a friend blinded me into this thing of using an Aimbot.It all started when I joined a random russian server-can't remember what it's name was-it was my first time to play Counter strike source and I knew nothing about it.Several minutes later,I ended up dying most of the time and got frustrated.I was about to leave the server when a guy came running past me at lightning speed.At first I was amazed by the speed but then he ended up killing me.I asked him where he got the hack from and he told me the website-i will not mention the website because I don't want others going through the wrong path-

I quickly opened up Google chrome and went there and downloaded it and then ran it.There before me was the GUI when I pressed insert.With no mercy,I killed everyone on the server within seconds, giving each and every person a headshot and that's when I got my first ban.I didn't care about the ban because I knew there were several other servers to hack in.The habit went on until I stopped to think about how many servers I am banned in and what I was doing was it right?

From there,I went on the net looking for sites and advice that could help me change and be better.This link helped me a lot along with other Youtube videos:http://www.netcodeilluminati.com/forums/general-css/3476-css-holy-bible-how-get-good-game-dazed-feat-other-pros.html.So far I am doing well and my kill ratio is changing.
Long story short,I am sorry for having hacked your server and I promise I won't do it again since I have found the right way to play. :angel:

RE: Ban Appeal :) - Jackie - Dec 15 2014

(Dec 15 2014, 10:10 AM)Finlaze Wrote: NameBig GrinriveR
For more info:http://servers.war-lords.net/bans/29650

First and foremost,I am sincerely sorry for having hacked your server.To be honest,I didn't know what I was doing.Infact,a friend blinded me into this thing of using an Aimbot.It all started when I joined a random russian server-can't remember what it's name was-it was my first time to play Counter strike source and I knew nothing about it.Several minutes later,I ended up dying most of the time and got frustrated.I was about to leave the server when a guy came running past me at lightning speed.At first I was amazed by the speed but then he ended up killing me.I asked him where he got the hack from and he told me the website-i will not mention the website because I don't want others going through the wrong path-

I quickly opened up Google chrome and went there and downloaded it and then ran it.There before me was the GUI when I pressed insert.With no mercy,I killed everyone on the server within seconds, giving each and every person a headshot and that's when I got my first ban.I didn't care about the ban because I knew there were several other servers to hack in.The habit went on until I stopped to think about how many servers I am banned in and what I was doing was it right?

From there,I went on the net looking for sites and advice that could help me change and be better.This link helped me a lot along with other Youtube videos:http://www.netcodeilluminati.com/forums/general-css/3476-css-holy-bible-how-get-good-game-dazed-feat-other-pros.html.So far I am doing well and my kill ratio is changing.
Long story short,I am sorry for having hacked your server and I promise I won't do it again since I have found the right way to play. Angel
Please wait for a root admin to see through the matter.

RE: Ban Appeal :) - Finlaze - Dec 16 2014

Ok no worries,let him take his time Smile

RE: Ban Appeal :) - Finlaze - Dec 16 2014

Well thank you Fraz,even though I don't know you,at least you have a heart of Forgiveness and sure I'll give them to you

RE: Ban Appeal :) - Riser - Dec 16 2014

Good on you for admitting straight out but we have a no unban policy for cheaters. Your only option is to rebuy CSS on Steam and post up your new account before joining our servers again.