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Denied Soljiaboy BAN APPEAL - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Soljiaboy BAN APPEAL (/thread-14846.html)

Soljiaboy BAN APPEAL - SoljiaBoy - Dec 23 2014

The reason is because i was hacked and the hacker went on all of my favorite servers and got me banned especially War Lords. My favorite server. I know it sounds sketchy but its true. He also got me VAC banned from my account and locked me out of my own account to where i lost control of everything. None of this should happen again because I've made my passwords more complex. Nothing should ever happen again. Even though i didn't do it every one deserves a second chance.
STEAM Name: SoljiaBoy
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:90363516

RE: Soljiaboy BAN APPEAL - KINGKONG - Dec 23 2014

Your account your responsibility. anyway wait for root admin to check on the matter. have patience

RE: Soljiaboy BAN APPEAL - M. Bison - Dec 24 2014

I don't believe you. The evidence available to me suggests your alibi is exceedingly unlikely.