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Resolved [RESOLVED] Brazzers mxtique Admin Abuse. - Printable Version

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[RESOLVED] Brazzers mxtique Admin Abuse. - skydoesfinecraft - Feb 18 2015

Brazzers mxtique silenced me just for saying the word budder. I wasn't constantly saying it, and I wasn't saying it in match rounds I was saying it during the warmup before ready up. He gave only 2 warnings and most servers would give 3. Total amount I said the word budder was around 4-6 and it wasn't even consecutive times. I wrote it twice in chat. I am a fanboy of skydoesminecraft and I have gotten used to saying budder, so what is so wrong about it? It's like when someone says faggot or noob, its an automated reaction. At the end of my sentences I say budder because I'm a fan of skydoesminecraft. He later kicked me for no reason whatsoever. If I get silenced for saying something repetitively during a sentence then why doesnt someone get silenced for saying something like "I" or "rush" because they said it more than once. Budder is something that has stuck with me for a long time. It's a reaction. Not a troll. I have dedicated almost everyday to watch skydoesminecraft. If you cannot respect someone for who they are and what they say because of who the person they are then you don't deserve respect nor do you have any responsibility whatsoever. The fact that he lied and said multiple people told me to shut up was a lie. I counted only 1 other person to agree with him considering talking would only go in team. If I see admins shoutcast over people then why am I not allowed to say budder at the end of a sentence? Please reconsider how you act to people. Just because I don't talk normally like you guys doesn't mean you have to mute me. You say I was speaking loud when I was whispering. Another fact is that your warnings weren't even clear. You had 2 other people talking the same time on our team, so please type it next time if you did more than 2 warnings. Other than that I think you need to take responsibility as an admin. Heart

RE: Brazzers mxtique Admin Abuse. - Mervinsim - Feb 18 2015

For your info , please check the demo to see how annoying you were and another teammate did ask you to stop Smile Just in case you did not know , I never kick you but you had VAC authentication error which you clearly said I "kick" you and where is your proof ?Smile I did warn you when no one was talking and what you did was keep going on and on . It is not that you are not allowed but you were too loud and constantly saying it which affects your other teammate too . Please follow the rule and not spam your "soft and demure" voice when you are playing as it will affect other people unknowingly .

RE: Brazzers mxtique Admin Abuse. - KINGKONG - Feb 18 2015

(Feb 18 2015, 04:39 PM)skydoesfinecraft Wrote: Brazzers mxtique He gave only 2 warnings and most servers would give 3.
We don't care much about how other servers run. As per our server's rules, MOTD stands as warning. Beyond that an admin can react to the situation even without warning if he/ she thinks it's appropriate to react. In this case, he alteast gave u warning 2 times, where u didnt bother both warnings and u choose to continue wat were u doing, clearly showing disrespect to a server admin voice.

(Feb 18 2015, 04:39 PM)skydoesfinecraft Wrote: If you cannot respect someone for who they are and what they say because of who the person they are then you don't deserve respect nor do you have any responsibility whatsoever.

I didnt see any kind of disrespect by him at this point.