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Resolved Unban - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved Unban (/thread-15044.html)

Unban - raziq1653 - Mar 05 2015

Riser posted this "In order to play on our servers again, you need to repurchase CS: S on a new account and post the steam id before joining the servers" it's been a few weeks i've posted my new steam id and i still have not get unbanned.
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198212646552/ My new steam id

RE: Unban - KINGKONG - Mar 05 2015

As i had mentioned in your earlier thread, wait for a root admin. They are busy and they will resolve your situation as soon as possible. PLEASE STOP CREATING MULTIPLE THREADS. It wont increase your chances. Thank you

RE: Unban - raziq1653 - Mar 11 2015

(Mar 05 2015, 10:51 AM)KINGKONG Wrote: As i had mentioned in your earlier thread, wait for a root admin. They are busy and they will resolve your situation as soon as possible. PLEASE STOP CREATING MULTIPLE THREADS. It wont increase your chances. Thank you

I don't understand how long does it take for a root admin to look into this matter it's been almost a month and the problem is still not solved.

RE: Unban - KINGKONG - Mar 11 2015

Sorry about the delay. but please have patience, they will get to it as soon as possible

RE: Unban - Riser - Mar 11 2015

Sorry Bison has been away due to personal matters, he's the only onethat can remove this type of bans.

RE: Unban - M. Bison - Mar 12 2015

Duplicate of http://war-lords.net/showthread.php?tid=15036

Related to http://war-lords.net/showthread.php?tid=15022