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Denied Admin App - Printable Version

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Admin App - shazbot - May 27 2015

Hi all,

Andrew here.


Age? To old to be bothering with this shit. 35. 36 in in two weeks.

Played since CS inception. I remember when steam began....couldn't play cs until I downloaded steam. Fuck me.. What is steam.?

Anyhow...love css. Love warlords. I remember the glory days of war-lords servers. Too many players. I have played countless hours on D2DM server. Knife kiils off the charts....

People accuse me of hacking on the regular.....never have. Never would.

Player down,

RE: Admin App - M. Bison - May 30 2015

You haven't linked Steam to your forum account. The application will not be evaluated until that's done.

RE: Admin App - shazbot - Jun 08 2015

(May 30 2015, 10:55 AM)M. Bison Wrote: You haven't linked Steam to your forum account. The application will not be evaluated until that's done.

Sorry all. Been out of commission for a bit. I have some on going health issues. Clean bill of health now though.


RE: Admin App - shazbot - Jun 08 2015

I will link it now.

RE: Admin App - Black Blood - Jun 08 2015


Please be patient while we, the WL staff, evaluate your application for admin candidacy.

RE: Admin App - NeSSy - Jun 10 2015

"Age? To old to be bothering with this shit. 35. 36 in in two weeks." mmmmmmmmmmm

RE: Admin App - shazbot - Jun 10 2015

Can I respond? Does it matter?

RE: Admin App - cat - Jun 10 2015

Good Luck Smile

RE: Admin App - Hamaerox - Jun 20 2015


It is not currently in our best interest to add you to the WL admin team. Please continue to enjoy playing on our servers and we hope to play with you.

Remember: If you see any players breaking the rules you can report them in the "Player Reports" section.