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Expired Ban for leaving pug! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Expired Ban for leaving pug! (/thread-15284.html)

Ban for leaving pug! - ØѴєяƙiℓℓ❖ - May 28 2015


I got ban for 1 day , for disconnecting from the Pug Asia server.
My connection timed out and i could not do anything to fix it until now.
Please unban me!
I love
IGN : ØѴєяƙiℓℓ❖

Thank you!

RE: Ban for leaving pug! - |ѝЅ| Sibrσx - May 29 2015

We'll also need your Steam ID.

RE: Ban for leaving pug! - Call me when humans go extinct - May 29 2015

Already unbanned