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Issue Demo of a game - Printable Version

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Demo of a game - Hbk|Muzic - Jun 03 2015

I tried to get a demo on which i played on one of warlords asian server
the demo was only 1.67mb(3 rounds).
can i get demo of the whole match?
the link to the server


RE: Demo of a game - Black Blood - Jun 03 2015

Whole Demo of the pug should be there. Make sure u extract it after you save it

RE: Demo of a game - Call me when humans go extinct - Jun 03 2015

Maybe there was something wrong with the sourcetv, it didn't record the whole match.

RE: Demo of a game - ChanChunSing - Jun 03 2015

(Jun 03 2015, 04:19 PM)Black Blood Wrote: Whole Demo of the pug should be there. Make sure u extract it after you save it

I tested it, only 3mb worth got saved somehow...

RE: Demo of a game - Riser - Jun 03 2015

Don't know why this happens, happened to me once before. Will msg Bison about it

RE: Demo of a game - Hbk|Muzic - Jun 08 2015

Is it fixed? can i download the demo now

RE: Demo of a game - Call me when humans go extinct - Jun 08 2015

(Jun 08 2015, 07:44 AM)Hbk|Muzic Wrote: Is it fixed? can i download the demo now

I'm afraid that the sourceTV didn't finish the record of that match, so there isn't any demo to download.