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Approved Review my demo. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Approved Review my demo. (/thread-15613.html)

Review my demo. - Leonhardt* Ø - Sep 02 2015

Why I got banned? Please review my demo. 8 yrs pexperience playing css
can i have my demo? So i can defend my self "

RE: Review my demo. - Sibrox - Sep 02 2015

You gotta link your steam account first.

RE: Review my demo. - Black Blood - Sep 02 2015

Banned removed. Apologising on behalf of the admin.

RE: [APPROVED] Review my demo. - kyonpyon - Sep 02 2015

I apologize Leonhardt, I dont need BB to do it for me lol. Hopefully you can give me some pointers some day. =)