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Denied unban appeal - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied unban appeal (/thread-15668.html)

unban appeal - farshad - Sep 27 2015

Name: farshad
SteamID: I dont know ..?

I dont wanna link my steam cuz I dont trust any sites with my information so

RE: unban appeal - kyonpyon - Sep 27 2015

Please follow the Ban Appeal guidelines (which includes your Steam ID) and your appeal will get processed. Here is an explanation of those guidelines. Thank you.


RE: unban appeal - ryz - Sep 27 2015

Would like to note i was in this game at the time, i did have my suspicions this player WAS scripting and the console ban has confirmed this. Unfortunately i cannot provide a demo at this time due to the player leaving before i could do so.

RE: unban appeal - M. Bison - Sep 27 2015

The ban will not be removed.