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Denied Uhmmm what just happened? (Ban Appeal) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Uhmmm what just happened? (Ban Appeal) (/thread-15714.html)

Uhmmm what just happened? (Ban Appeal) - ShuriKunai - Oct 16 2015

I got banned from PUG | CENT 2 Server a couple of mins ago. I was kicked cause of "High-Latency", so there was I, fixing my ping and then suddenly I get banned. There is seriously a problem with your monitoring in your servers, that was obviously the server's flaw. I'm pretty sure that I am not the one to blame on this. So pls I need an un-ban. Thank You, have a good day. 

If you don't believe me, there are some witnesses players "chronicle" https://servers.war-lords.net/pugs/players/102261933 and "Fox" https://servers.war-lords.net/pugs/players/116471737?stats_engine=13 

ask them if you don't believe my proclaimed "Ban Appeal"


You guys should really fix your ban times... Sometimes it says I have 2 mins and 30 secs and then all of a sudden get banned. I'm not trying to be rude, but who ever is monitoring the servers should get fired. Server service is crap nowadays.

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RE: Uhmmm what just happened? (Ban Appeal) - Riser - Oct 16 2015

Yes, it's always the servers fault right?


Don't play on a PUG server if you are having internet problems.