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Approved Banned for no reason?? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Approved Banned for no reason?? (/thread-15805.html)

Banned for no reason?? - kahoobb - Nov 29 2015

Here is my steam ID: 1:0:82664201
Here is my steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/kahoobb

I got banned on css warlord pugs and i'm not really sure why, i really want to get back to pugging so please help asap! Thank you.

RE: Banned for no reason?? - KINGKONG - Nov 29 2015

as per ban list, there is ban infraction from ESEA for cheating. Please wait for a root admin's decision

RE: Banned for no reason?? - M. Bison - Dec 01 2015

STEAM_1:0:82664201 has been removed from the ban. All other alts remain banned.