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Denied Application for Pug Server - Printable Version

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Application for Pug Server - gabe. - Dec 13 2015

Name: Gabe.

Age: 21
Timezone: Mountain Time
Availability: Anytime during the week tbh, I play on PUG's quite a bit so
Tell us something about yourself: University student in the Information Technology program, chill dude. I love rap. 
Reason For Admin Application: I want to be admin because there are times on the PUG server when we need to kick someone for not subbing in and some people take awhile to ready up. I also get a long with most players so there's that.

RE: Application for Pug Server - Sibrox - Dec 14 2015

(Dec 13 2015, 09:12 PM)gabe. Wrote: some people take awhile to ready up.

Bro...Stop rushing them and give some people chance to warm up on the map they don't know

RE: Application for Pug Server - gabe. - Dec 14 2015

(Dec 14 2015, 12:27 AM)Sibrox Wrote:
(Dec 13 2015, 09:12 PM)gabe. Wrote: some people take awhile to ready up.

Bro...Stop rushing them and give some people chance to warm up on the map they don't know

its not new people, regulars do it too.

RE: Application for Pug Server - KINGKONG - Dec 14 2015

there is time limit for every player to ready up. anyway have patience ur apps will be evaluated soon

RE: Application for Pug Server - gabe. - Dec 16 2015


RE: Application for Pug Server - gabe. - Dec 29 2015


RE: Application for Pug Server - kyonpyon - Dec 29 2015

Please have patience...

RE: Application for Pug Server - Hamaerox - Jan 06 2016


Please wait while we, the WL staff, evaluate your application for candidacy as admin.
This process can sometimes take a long time so we ask that you please be patient.

RE: Application for Pug Server - gabe. - Jan 08 2016

(Jan 06 2016, 07:15 PM)Hamaerox Wrote: IN-EVALUATION

Please wait while we, the WL staff, evaluate your application for candidacy as admin.
This process can sometimes take a long time so we ask that you please be patient.


RE: Application for Pug Server - Hamaerox - Feb 03 2016


It is not currently in our best interest to add you to our staff. We hope you enjoy playing on our
servers and we hope to see you In-Game!