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Denied Ban appeal. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Ban appeal. (/thread-16022.html)

Ban appeal. - veeti - Apr 17 2016

Hello! i stopped using my old account and i was banned here like a year ago when bhopping was still enabled, my old account was unbanned and i cant play on it anymore. its not a VAC ban thats blocking me for playing on it but i just can't use it for personal reasons. i would really like to be unbanned.



RE: Ban appeal. - M. Bison - Apr 22 2016

I don't like people playing on alts (particularly those with a cheating history). No further bans will be removed unless you can justify needing to use one of the other accounts.

Prior appeal: https://war-lords.net/thread-15804-post-121756.html