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Denied Unban request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Unban request (/thread-16041.html)

Unban request - HMS - Apr 24 2016

Its been like 6 to 7 months since I got banned the reason,I posted in the last thread.So I would like to appeal an unban request.
I was'nt playing css in this server for 6 months.I am regretting this.I want to play css in this server.So please unban me,I assure it wont happen again.I like playing in this server.So Unban me.
        Thank you,hope I will get unbanned.

steam ID:STEAM_0:0:24526338[/url][url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009318404][font=Roboto,]STEAM_0:0:24526338STEAM:0:245263:0:24526338[/font]

RE: Unban request - ryz - Apr 24 2016

We have a very strict policy on cheating infractions.

The steam ID will not be unbanned.

If you wish to continue playing on our servers, buy a new copy of CS:S and post up the new Steam ID before joining our servers.

And also, please don't make a double thread regarding the same issue.

Thank you.