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Approved My first Ban Appeals - Printable Version

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My first Ban Appeals - Forever Alone - Apr 30 2016

So i was playing my friend account in  my pc to play dota and my friend play my account for cs:go in his laptop / pc . he got banned for walling because of his brother

here's his his ban appeals

LOLYOU / Redfruits

hes not even  playing css either do i because i see him playing csgo competative with my friends because his account got banned 7 days. and me playing dota 2

after he finished playing his cs:go match and disconnect i go back to my account and  play csgo for fun with some friend  .after that i play css, but when i want to joined the server its said that i got banned for walling / no reason
i already try to restart and still got permanent banned

NOT ForeverAlone#
Steam Console Apr 13 2016 09:34 PM Permanent

maybe track my account to his IP laptop / pc and got banned when he play my account in his laptop / pc

heres my Steam ID

if its like buy css again and lvl my account to 20 il end up playing csgo with jackie if he wants or playing dota 2 with pinoy's   Sad
                                                                               Sad  Sad   SAD LYFE    Sad  Sad    

IceCream is the best and bad english is an optional

RE: My first Ban Appeals - ȠAIGEL - Apr 30 2016

Please wait for a root admin to look into your appeal.