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Denied still banned been like 20 years - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied still banned been like 20 years (/thread-16162.html)

still banned been like 20 years - telic - Jul 24 2016

I'm still banned, I tried adding bison to try to resolve the issue. it was a ONE TIME deal with a bunnyhop script I don't think I deserve to be perm banned especially if I try to join on a new account. Does it automatically ban every account under the same IP address or something? bought 2 new accounts for no reason if so.

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197964163320/ 12 years

RE: still banned been like 20 years - dexter123 - Jul 24 2016

wait for admin to reply here.

RE: still banned been like 20 years - ryz - Jul 24 2016

When you buy a new account, you have to post your NEW steam id on our fourms because if you do join our servers with that account you will be banned automatically.

Please wait patiently for a root admin to respond.


RE: still banned been like 20 years - telic - Jul 24 2016

so like if I bought two new accounts, if I don't want the other to get banned where would I post it?

RE: still banned been like 20 years - dexter123 - Jul 24 2016

you can post both of your new steam ID here for the root admin to assist you.

RE: still banned been like 20 years - telic - Jul 24 2016

STEAM_0:0:1948796 (banned)

STEAM_0:0:1942926 (still good)

RE: still banned been like 20 years - Jesse W. - Jul 25 2016

A bit off topic but related enough that it doesn't need a new thread: When seeking to be unbanned, must the person in question have a fresh, 0 day Steam account? I saw an unban request thread around here where the individual provided another account, a "new" account, but it was years old.

RE: still banned been like 20 years - telic - Jul 25 2016

the only reason I have so many bans is because I keep connecting for some reason hoping I wont get autobanned, I should only have 1 ban from like November I think

RE: still banned been like 20 years - Riser - Jul 25 2016

