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Denied Vorpal - Application - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Vorpal - Application (/thread-16365.html)

Vorpal - Application - Vorpal - Dec 05 2016

Name: Ryan V.

Age: 19

Timezone: Eastern Standard

Availability: Any

Tell us something about yourself: Played my first CS years ago which was Source. Came back for CSGO and met an old CSS player named Heino at a lan. Played ESEA with him and some old Source kids for a couple seasons before we all quit CS as CSGO is shit. Now I play on Warlords source servers for fun and really enjoy the atmosphere and community that you guys have built.

Reason For Admin Application: I really enjoy the community and wanna help in a way I can feasibly doso. Be it, moderating and helping oust deterrents to the community or setting a good example to members of it.

RE: Vorpal - Application - Juniorc4 - Dec 06 2016

big time player, hardcore gamer. Deserves admin more than bison!!!

RE: Vorpal - Application - Riser - Jan 15 2017


It is not currently in our best interest to add you to our staff. Feel free to apply later on in the future.