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Denied Banned?? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Banned?? (/thread-16384.html)

Banned?? - sinjo - Dec 11 2016

Can anyone tell me why i got banned? I see it says abuse of votekick...when did i abuse the vote kick?

RE: Banned?? - Bill Nose - Dec 11 2016

yea me too

RE: Banned?? - sinjo - Dec 11 2016

You got banned? but aren't you an Admin?...why was I banned for 1 day, do you know?

RE: Banned?? - Vorpal - Dec 11 2016

We all got banned for vote-kicking the Recklezz kid.

RE: Banned?? - sinjo - Dec 11 2016

Why was that tho?...When I joined people were kicking him for hacking, so I also voted. How is that abusive?

RE: Banned?? - Ben- - Dec 11 2016

(Dec 11 2016, 11:13 PM)sinjo Wrote: Why was that tho?...When I joined people were kicking him for hacking, so I also voted. How is that abusive?

because he wasnt

RE: Banned?? - sinjo - Dec 11 2016

so next time when we have our suspicions of someone hacking, how do we deal with it then without being banned?

RE: Banned?? - M. Bison - Dec 11 2016

(Dec 11 2016, 11:29 PM)sinjo Wrote: so next time when we have our suspicions of someone hacking, how do we deal with it then without being banned?
Did you suspect him of cheating?

RE: Banned?? - Juniorc4 - Dec 11 2016

Everyone on the server was saying "He is cheating... votekick him" So this guy probably joined and was unsure so he went along with it and votekicked him because everyone else was. He was not apart of the votekick spam.

RE: Banned?? - Vorpal - Dec 11 2016

(Dec 11 2016, 11:29 PM)sinjo Wrote: so next time when we have our suspicions of someone hacking, how do we deal with it then without being banned?

Not really sure who you got the hackusation from... The majority of the server was kicking him because of his toxic behavior/generally not wanting to play with him.