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Resolved ROFL i was banned Why??? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved ROFL i was banned Why??? (/thread-2651.html)

ROFL i was banned Why??? - Kronos - Jul 15 2011

Hey guys I dont know if you know me or not but ive been recently playing on ur servers religiously now for over a month..Been playing since 1.5..I know you may here this from a lot of the players that got banned but i dont hack! I was like "wtf" when it happen. I do have to admit tho i did tweak things in console but i think we all have..Im a computer technician for a local business in my community. Honestly I love this game and i love playing with the people who go to ur servers..Dont ban me..this game is all i got for some fun being a father of two!


RE: ROFL i was banned Why??? - M. Bison - Jul 15 2011

what were you doing prior to getting banned describe the location map etc. were you turning around or what?

RE: ROFL i was banned Why??? - Kronos - Jul 15 2011

Well a group of us were playing together from map to map but when we were on office I was on a spree off and on and then when i was owning some noobs i ended getting banned.. I was in the projector room heading towards the 2 rooms with the cabinets. and i was walking and i anticipated where the dude was coming from and i shot him in the head end of story then i was banned.. still like wtf..no offence..

RE: ROFL i was banned Why??? - xFerior - Jul 15 2011

Read the protest section guidlelines

RE: ROFL i was banned Why??? - Kronos - Jul 15 2011

my bad guys i for got to put my steamid and my name



ps...hope i wasnt offensive?

well the only thing i can honestly think that it could be is that i was looking for good rates to put in the command console thing and i saw on some forum told me to put it in my autoexc file or something...so i did.. the only thing it did for me is that it showed my fps and some things changed like the people vanished so there wouldnt be any rag doll effects...anyway let me know if you can help me with this..i dont cheat

RE: ROFL i was banned Why??? - M. Bison - Jul 15 2011

Roflman420 Wrote:my bad guys i for got to put my steamid and my name



ps...hope i wasnt offensive?

well the only thing i can honestly think that it could be is that i was looking for good rates to put in the command console thing and i saw on some forum told me to put it in my autoexc file or something...so i did.. the only thing it did for me is that it showed my fps and some things changed like the people vanished so there wouldnt be any rag doll effects...anyway let me know if you can help me with this..i dont cheat
i've unbanned you in the meantime. now back to my initial question, what were you doing at the time of the ban?

RE: ROFL i was banned Why??? - Kronos - Jul 15 2011

i was prepairing to pwn the guy coming around the corner..idk what else you want me to say...i was playing like i normally do...the way it happen was like this..i just got done shooting someone in the head in the projector room in office going to the side where there are two room you can go into..heard the guy coming around the corner waiting for him saw his shadow briefly begun to shoot and head shot..which in my opinion its a lot ezer to do in source..but neway i hope this helps..

RE: ROFL i was banned Why??? - xFerior - Jul 21 2011


You have been unbanned. Keep taking demos though Wink