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Python - Grasp - Oct 03 2010

I recently found on vb doesnt work right on win 7 and im not great with C C++ or Java and i was wondering how Python is

RE: Python - Zaptor - Dec 23 2010

Python is ftw broski (except for the parts were its not) they need to make a python section under scripting or w/e

Python is good for anything that is nearly raw math. and i am not sure anyone person can even use every little thing that python offers, hell i don't even know most of it, and i have taken a fue classes in python and script in it often. Its vary slow processing most of the time. not something you would WANT to use if you need good performance or are muti-threading though it can and i know people have done that. It also seems to be fair at networking as well.

It can be a bitch to learn just because there is so much to it... but its vary easy to read once you know