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Resolved Suspect Wall Hacker - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved Suspect Wall Hacker (/thread-3171.html)

Suspect Wall Hacker - DangerDavis - Aug 05 2011


I suspect Jerrbearrrr of using wall hacks on Popular Server #2 on 08/04/2011 at approx. 0655 hours.


Demo link:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MJ2M2UCJ

RE: Suspect Wall Hacker - Anonymous - Aug 05 2011

It looks fishy, but almost everything in this demo could be explained by good headphones. Not 100% sure, watched it with r_drawothermodels 2 and slow motion 3 times. Will see what other admins say, thanks for your report.

RE: Suspect Wall Hacker - -[ex]iSpy- - Aug 08 2011


no wallhack present on provided demo.