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how come the left arm get hit more? - Printable Version

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how come the left arm get hit more? - joobie - Aug 10 2011

when I look at the gameme stats, it looks universal. I and everyone else is hitting the left arm more. Google has failed in providing me the answer. So does anyone know?

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - Rabbit - Aug 10 2011

joobie Wrote:when I look at the gameme stats, it looks universal. I and everyone else is hitting the left arm more. Google has failed in providing me the answer. So does anyone know?

-Because most people play with the gun on the right hand of the screen.

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - joobie - Aug 10 2011

*EDIT * Doh i'm sorry im dumb, lol and modifed your message... I believe what you said was something along the lines of the gun blocking the bullets...

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - Rabbit - Aug 10 2011

I think it has something to do with the human eye visually adjusting your aiming towards another player, differences depending on whether or not your gun is on the right or left hand side. Also I believe most right hand people are left eye predominant and therefore, will tend to aim a little to the left the majority of the time. If you didn’t notice, there are A LOT more right handed people then left handed people. Smile

This is all theory of course… It’s a good as reason as any though… lol

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - joobie - Aug 11 2011

so it would be better to aim at the right arm to get better hit reg?

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - Rabbit - Aug 11 2011

joobie Wrote:so it would be better to aim at the right arm to get better hit reg?

*shrug* people usually say its better to play with the gun on the left hand side Tongue

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - OwnageHN - Aug 11 2011

I have a slightly different theory but they could all be related somehow.  Ok so imagine this situation:
* 2 snipers at T spawn in de_dust2,
* both snipers are on the ramp behind the ledge,
* both snipers take opposite positions, one on the left, one on the right
* both snipers scope in to the double doors and only expose themselves as much as possible in order to align the crack of the double doors with the edge of the wall they're taking cover behind.

From the CT's perspective on the CT side of double doors, the sniper on the right will expose more of his body than the sniper on the left.  This means, at all times, from the player's perspective, his right side is always going to be more exposed than his left side in terms of getting behind cover.

Also, since the models are right handed, their weapon is going to be in their right hand.  After hearing, first hand, some Green Beret/RANGER/infantry stories, they tend to shoot the enemy's weapon out of their hands because that's where they tend to first look when encountering an enemy.  Therefore, it might just be human nature to shoot at the enemy's weapon?

In conclusion, I really don't know but I hope I may have tipped off someone that will eventually discover the reason!

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - joobie - Aug 11 2011

In both of your theories the right arm would be damaged more not the left. Left eye peak advantage and tendency for people to aim at guns both would cause more damage to right arm. I was thinking also that many people have "previous weapon" bound to the default "q" key which means that they have to strafe right when switching to pistol. About it being an advantage to having the gun model to the left, I wonder if that's true.

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - mar_heave - Aug 12 2011

ohh that is right, maybe I know something...
players model while holding guns :
Right arm straight to front holding a gun,
Left arm bend to right to hold the gun too...
So if ppl usually shoot face-to-face,
by aiming in the middle, of course it is left hand which bend to the weapon
that will be hit.

RE: how come the left arm get hit more? - joobie - Aug 13 2011

Thanks, now I get it!