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Resolved AIMBOTTER "Timmy" INFO INSIDE! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved AIMBOTTER "Timmy" INFO INSIDE! (/thread-3577.html)

AIMBOTTER "Timmy" INFO INSIDE! - socaboy - Aug 25 2011

hey whats up! I've just recently started playing on your death match server its very fun i like that it switches at 30 kills! great idea! but u guys never have any admins on that server at night time and these scrub hackers come in and ruin the fun and enjoyment :-X not raging just letting you know! you need some night time admins on your serverĀ  ;D


wL) Deathmatch :: WAR-LORDS.NET

# 21224 "timmy" STEAM_0:0:43578600 03:10 205 0 active

12:15am PST

I came here and read the rules went back to record a demo and he was gone.

RE: AIMBOTTER "Timmy" INFO INSIDE! - Riser - Aug 25 2011

You should've recorded a demo first. I doubt they would ban him without a demo.

Edit: I just looked at SourceBans and he's perm banned by SMAC.

RE: AIMBOTTER "Timmy" INFO INSIDE! - -[ex]iSpy- - Aug 25 2011


Thanks for the Report,This user has been banned for eye angles violation.
nextime, pls take a good demo by typing record nameofhacker in your console just type stop if youre done.