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ZOMbIES! - Printable Version

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ZOMbIES! - [Erevanski]... (CFC) - Aug 25 2011

Guys admins pls help me ive found out that i have NO zombie models im css folder so i need to download them from somewhere can u guys help me pls?please guys answer !!!!

RE: ZOMbIES! - M. Bison - Aug 26 2011

It should download those files automatically. If it doesn't, type both of these into console:

cl_allowdownload 1
cl_downloadfilter "all"

Then try to join the server again.  Tongue

RE: ZOMbIES! - [Erevanski]... (CFC) - Aug 27 2011

k ill try but i dont hvae any zombie models...

RE: ZOMbIES! - mar_heave - Aug 29 2011

I experienced this by getting the ERROR model.
Then I just reconnect some time and it worked!
Maybe when you downloaded the model you were opening other program,
so it may crash your download.