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How to buy weapons using a bind. - Printable Version

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How to buy weapons using a bind. - Bah - Sep 10 2011

Here is how you buy weapons faster using a bind that you would put into your CONSOLE.

bind "f1" "Buy Vesthelm; Buy Deagle; Buy HEgrenade; Buy Flashbang;Buy Flashbang; Buy Smokegrenade; Buy M4a1; Buy Ak47; Buy Defuser" Smile

bind "x" "Buy Vesthelm; Buy Deagle; Buy HEgrenade; Buy Flashbang;Buy Flashbang; Buy M4a1; Buy Ak47; Buy Defuser"

This is what I use...

It will buy the items/weapons/grenades in order.

If you ever wanted to AWP REALLY Badly then all you have to do is
bind "z" "buy AWP"
and spam "z" at the beginning of the round.

You can cutsomize it to be 1 flash and an ak47 being
bind (key) "Buy Flashbang; Buy Ak47"

This is a way to help you get off faster and get in better hiding spots.

is a video if you need a better explanation it's about 4:45.

RE: How to buy weapons using a bind. - King_Viper - Sep 11 2011

I already made a buy binds post that makes it much more customizable for people to make buy commands and edit their autoexec.cfg file makes it much more handy imo

RE: How to buy weapons using a bind. - Bah - Sep 11 2011

King_Viper Wrote:http://war-lords.net/counter-strike/css-buy-binds-for-noobs/msg13298/#msg13298
I already made a buy binds post that makes it much more customizable for people to make buy commands and edit their autoexec.cfg file makes it much more handy imo
Dude that was 3months ago, it's somewhere in those 9pages of threads :-\.

RE: How to buy weapons using a bind. - -VeeL.xyLoneZ` - Sep 12 2011

hud_fastswitch 1<<so you dont have to see the gun menu when u change ur weapons...

RE: How to buy weapons using a bind. - saister1 - Sep 13 2011

If i want to rebuy the guns i purchased last round, do i bind into console
bind "]" rebuy
? yes no?

RE: How to buy weapons using a bind. - Bah - Sep 13 2011

Go esc>controls or whatever The part with all the stuff is and there should be a slot for rebuying. Click on it and press the btoon you want. Im on meh iphone so i dont really know what it is called atm.

RE: How to buy weapons using a bind. - Assassin - Sep 13 2011

thanks alot man that was very helpful ;D

RE: How to buy weapons using a bind. - -VeeL.xyLoneZ` - Sep 13 2011

saister1 Wrote:If i want to rebuy the guns i purchased last round, do i bind into console
bind "]" rebuy
? yes no?

you can set that one from option.. the default for that was f2