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Resolved everytime i try to connect the server says change your name - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved everytime i try to connect the server says change your name (/thread-3879.html)

everytime i try to connect the server says change your name - blackhawk - Sep 13 2011

player name: //the blackhawk\\

steam id: non steam

respected admins,
                          im facing a problem pls help me. every time when im trying to connect the seerver it shows 'change the name please'. i have change my in game name several time butt no succes. i need your help admins please help. im a regular player of this server.thank you.           
                                                                  yours truly,

RE: everytime i try to connect the server says change your name - M. Bison - Sep 13 2011

remove the space before your name.

" //the blackhawk\\" is invalid now
"//the blackhawk\\" isn't