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Resolved Banned by Console - Printable Version

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Banned by Console - SoCalL - Sep 14 2011

Name: NFS DecAY
While I was at a friends house, my step-brother, whos 19 doesnt live with me and also plays css, came to my house and decided to get on my computer and play css unfortunately on a war-lords server, and also download a wallhack that he uses on his own computer because he pretty much sucks aha. anyways, he admitted to doing this which is how i find out and im not sure why i should be kept permabanned seeing as i dont use cheats. Thanks for your time!

RE: Banned by Console - Loks - Sep 14 2011

please wait a root admin will evaluate you case and reply here!

RE: Banned by Console - M. Bison - Sep 14 2011

I think you're full of it good sir. We're not going to unban you.

RE: Banned by Console - SoCalL - Sep 14 2011

How am i "full of it"? I mean no disrespect to you when i say this but im telling you the truth so how can you just say that? Your disrespecting me and i dont deserve it.

RE: Banned by Console - M. Bison - Sep 14 2011

You've got a trail of bans for hacking which extend for several months. We're not going to unban you.