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Civilization Tactics - Printable Version

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Civilization Tactics - KeepItRealHags - Dec 12 2010

Civilization is a pretty popular game in Starcraft: BW and i really need to get good at it. as of right now, im awful. any tips from people who have played this before?

RE: Civilization Tactics - poiju87 - Dec 12 2010

If you can steal the pyramids by not building farms on first timer, do it, otherwise it does'nt matter. find a spot somewhere you can build freely without too much surrounding near you and as soon as you can, start upgrading melee and armor of lings, then you upgrade them by buying queen nest on second age, now you start massing hatcheries and lings, get maybe another scv to build your villages faster because 4 - 6 hatcheries pumping hero upgraded lings on early game, give you alot of villages.

RE: Civilization Tactics - Neander - Dec 12 2010

ewww i thought u meant the actual game, i was about to ask if we cud game.  Sad