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Resolved Wall hacker in Dust 2 DM - Printable Version

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Wall hacker in Dust 2 DM - ALLEN2 - Sep 25 2011

Hello me and a lot of players found this guy named AntonY1LP or something using a undected WALL HACK. I dont have a demo cause i dont know how to make a demo. but i do have some info.

He got banned using voteban but then he came back. please help

RE: Wall hacker in Dust 2 DM - The Rival - Sep 25 2011

No demo, no ban.

To record a demo, type

Quote:record demoname

into console (press `  ), and then type


when you wish to stop recording. The demo will then be stored in your cstrike folder, where you can upload it to Mediafire and post a link here.