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Resolved hs!boON - Walls - - Printable Version

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hs!boON - Walls - - Ʈɧɘ ℛɩđđℒэʀ - Nov 07 2011

Game: Counter strike source
Suspected hacker's name: hs!boON
Evidence: http://www.mediafire.com/?xs3cpaaetrj9fnf

sv_cheats 1
r_drawothermodels 2

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - SpartanOnLSD - Nov 07 2011

tick 1500 is really the only thing that i saw that might be. other than that i didn't see much to be conclusive. but another admin will look at it.

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - lin3ar - Nov 07 2011

I don't see anything that indicates hacks in the demo.

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - JayCat - Nov 07 2011

I don't see anything that I would say it was conclusive.

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - Bah - Nov 07 2011

OMG, Good luck playing with this guy if he isn't an inpersonator roflmao.



RE: hs!boON - Walls - - Spartacus - Nov 07 2011


he's just really good. this doesn't determine whether he's cheating or not, but his 4569 hrs of css playing time has to count for something

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - Bah - Nov 07 2011

Yeah, he is really good. Smile

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - stinK - Nov 07 2011

I've played with him before. Top Tier player. He doesn't cheat. Sorry to burst your bubble james Sad

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - Ʈɧɘ ℛɩđđℒэʀ - Nov 07 2011

Meh. I just know what to look for I guess. Sometimes when you get top tier players they really do act like bots. Just thought I may as well submit it. One out of three reports isn't that bad to be wrong about I guess. That and I caught an aimbotter as well. I just am always on the prowl for wallers. Most the time I can't get good demos but when I do I try to submit them. Oh well. If a root admin thinks he is doing nothing wrong feel free to close this thread.

RE: hs!boON - Walls - - pTK - Nov 07 2011

Ive played with him aswell and he wasnt making any random shots on the snipers server :/