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Resolved "Player" Speed hacking - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved "Player" Speed hacking (/thread-4814.html)

"Player" Speed hacking - Pishtim - Nov 07 2011

name: Player

Obvious speed hacking... he had been votebanned, but simple came back after the temporary voteban was over. Needs to be permanently banned please.

P.S. here is the demo. pay attention at 2:15 when he is entering subway. he has an AK out and is outrunning the guy who has a knife out.


demo has his steam ID

RE: "Player" Speed hacking - SpartanOnLSD - Nov 07 2011


demo shows him running past a guy wiht his knife out when the hacker has an Ak in his hands. i also watched him in the server.

Thanks for the Report!

RE: "Player" Speed hacking - -[ex]iSpy- - Nov 07 2011

[Image: closedk.jpg]