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Resolved I apologize for hacking. - Printable Version

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I apologize for hacking. - kylevanwest - Nov 09 2011

Name: kyle / vanwest
SteamID: 0:1:37333181
I'm not protesting this ban, but I am only appealing for your forgiveness. I'm sorry and I do admit that I hacked on your server, and I'm trying to start fresh. I'll also apologize to people that were affected by my hacks, or were mad. Now I only go to PC-Cafes to play Counter Strike Source. I've realized that hacks only ruin games... I'm truly sorry. Even if I have to appeal, even if the permanent ban was reduced to a year, I would be happy.

All the best regards,

RE: I apologize for hacking. - SpartanOnLSD - Nov 09 2011

Most likely they are going to say to just buy a new because then you wont be so fast to just hack for fear of loosing your bought game. Sometimes they are nice thought. Good luck!

RE: I apologize for hacking. - JayCat - Nov 09 2011

Please wait for one of the root admins to make the call on this.

Thank you for your patience.

RE: I apologize for hacking. - Matt - Nov 09 2011

You were clearly warned.

RE: I apologize for hacking. - kylevanwest - Nov 09 2011

I guess there is no helping it then. Sorry for wasting your time.

RE: I apologize for hacking. - -[ex]iSpy- - Nov 10 2011

buy a copy of css game via steam,. and we will let you play in WL servers.
have a nice day.

[Image: closedk.jpg]