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Warcraft Server - Printable Version

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Warcraft Server - Ʈɧɘ ℛɩđđℒэʀ - Nov 13 2011

Honestly I don't know if you guy have tried to do this with one of your servers but I believe a warcraft server would be a great addition or even replacement for a current "non running server". And by non running I mean completely empty. Such as one of the following:
http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ ... .20:27015/
http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ ... .19:27016/

I mean if one of these were to be replaced by warcraft server you would have a little bit of income I would assume if you put in a donators option for classes and limit that specific server to sr. admin capabilities so you don't have lower admins giving free levels people would buy the donators option or at one point in time ask for an option to buy admin. That and if this server were to be implemented you'd give someone a goal to achieve instead of just nonchalantly playing monotonous maps over and over again to gain nothing but a rank that means diddly squat.

So in short. Please consider replacing a run down server with a warcraft server. If you need me to look for a good one feel free to ask I just really would like to see one in this community. Thank you for your time and patronage.

RE: Warcraft Server - The Rival - Nov 13 2011

Had it a while back. It wasn't very popular :|

RE: Warcraft Server - Ʈɧɘ ℛɩđđℒэʀ - Nov 13 2011

I, The Rival Wrote:Had it a while back. It wasn't very popular :|

I will make it popular DAMNIT!

RE: Warcraft Server - [ant!-v!ruz] - Nov 13 2011

css warcraft server? there's a css warcraft servers before, but now its been replace by ZombieReloaded server because of valve updates. i really miss that server.

RE: Warcraft Server - Ʈɧɘ ℛɩđđℒэʀ - Nov 14 2011

Well I would really like a root admins feedback on this. If you guys need any help finding a good mod or configuring good classes let me know and I will do a bit of research so I have some good stuff before you implement it. But I would like some feedback from some higher up admins. Thanks.

RE: Warcraft Server - }{@K@P - Nov 14 2011

warcraft server was before zombie reloaded server, and it was not fair because you want to kill someone with all level 8 items, it will be impossible, because you start from the zero and you want to kill someone who is way stronger than you. zombies reloaded is better because it's balanced, you choose your class, and you don't need to earn xp for level up classes or something like that.

RE: Warcraft Server - Matt - Nov 14 2011

Maybe a combination of deathmatch and warcraft?

RE: Warcraft Server - Ʈɧɘ ℛɩđđℒэʀ - Nov 14 2011

Matt Wrote:Maybe a combination of deathmatch and warcraft?

Or maybe a regular wcs with the possiblity to change to a dm by way of vote. I have been around for quite some time actually and the way of wcs'ers has changed periodically and now it has come to a point where if enough people type "DM" into the chat it could be toggled server sided to instigate deathmatch.

}{@K@P Wrote:warcraft server was before zombie reloaded server, and it was not fair because you want to kill someone with all level 8 items, it will be impossible, because you start from the zero and you want to kill someone who is way stronger than you. zombies reloaded is better because it's balanced, you choose your class, and you don't need to earn xp for level up classes or something like that.

The unfair reality is people without skill are not as good as people with skill in a wcs. When it comes to using different elements in a game whoever has a specific element down in any game will dominate those who don't. I bet stinK could kick my ass all day long at a scrim but when it comes to wcs I presume I could level faster than him and inevitably and eventually kick his ass. It is a great mod and we would be lucky to have it. Not to mention the fact that it may bring in a whole new flow of users and cash to wL community if advertised correctly.

RE: Warcraft Server - }{@K@P - Nov 15 2011

the warcraft server will be fun when all classes will have an equal level  :Smile

RE: Warcraft Server - Assassin - Nov 19 2011

i tired wcs recently its actually fun since we have all the kinds of servers i think its a good idea make one it will make the servers more popular and it adds verity, not just the usual stuff