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A TITAN IS BORN....! - Printable Version

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A TITAN IS BORN....! - FALCON - Nov 17 2011

Fellow Comrades...

I hereby... with great pleasure would like to announce that Mr. w33d a.k.a. RAMESH has fathered a baby boy.
My hearty congratulations to Him.


RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - The Rival - Nov 17 2011

Wahey! Congrats Ramesh! Hope everything is okay bro Big Grin

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - SpartanOnLSD - Nov 17 2011

DANNGGGG congratz mang!

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - BaNaNaMaN - Nov 17 2011

Yay! Ask him to take pictures of this cutie

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - FALCON - Nov 17 2011

Lol... Im gonna train him for T., w33d gonna train him for CT., we both gonna train him to knife HbK DeNVeR....!

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - silly - Nov 17 2011

FALCON Wrote:we both gonna train him to knife HbK DeNVeR....!

Good plan!  Wink

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - ARYA! - Nov 17 2011

@ falcon

thank you for starting this thread .

@ rival

ya bro everything is fine . healthy baby and healthy mother

@ bananaman

probably next week

@ spartan

thnks mate

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - FenKeN - Nov 17 2011

We need a congratulatory PARTY!
How does it feel to be a father?

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - ARYA! - Nov 17 2011

Feels just fine Big Grin

RE: A TITAN IS BORN....! - Anonymous - Nov 17 2011

Hey bro=) Congratulations! Wow it's probably amazing feeling, just brought a new life to the Earth. I hope you and your family will have a good long life.