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Resolved Srsly... - Printable Version

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Srsly... - BubBles - Dec 07 2011

I'm tired of this stupid shit. Getting banned and appealing to get unbanned. I'm done you guys srsly need to get none newb fucking admins. NAIVE GO FUCK YOURSELF. Thats all i wanted to say, not really appealing, since i wont play on this server anyway. Its been real, its been good, but it wasn't real good. Fuck all of yall.

RE: Srsly... - JayCat - Dec 07 2011

Please, tell how you really feel.  :Smile

This is not how you handle this if you want anything resolved.

Please read this and edit your crap post.
http://war-lords.net/protests/protest-s ... 8/#msg5258

RE: Srsly... - lin3ar - Dec 07 2011

I'm going to go ahead and assume this is you: http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.p ... pe=steamid
I'll also post this up regarding the ban as it is supposedly for "Inappropriate Language." http://wls.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/255601

Chat logs show nothing outstanding that is worthy of a permanent ban. The only thing I can think of that merited a permanent ban for Inappropriate Language is deliberate and excessive trolling or blatant and excessive racism. Chat logs don't show either of those but it could have been said on mic. However, that requires Source TV or a demo to prove.
I have unbanned you for the meanwhile until evidence is posted.

RE: Srsly... - M. Bison - Dec 15 2011


No evidence towards the ban could be obtained.