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photoshop - Printable Version

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photoshop - .dmg - Dec 07 2011

Well, I am a Graphic Design major at the Art Institute of Dallas. In less than a year I will have my BFA. My teacher is an Adobe Certified "Photoshop Master". I love how that sounds. LOL

Here is a pdf I put together real quick with a sample of my work.

RE: photoshop - JackMonroe - Dec 07 2011

I am also an art major.  Fine art originally (oil on canvas mostly) and then went into mostly photoshop stuff.  Went to Carnegie Mellon and then the Maryland Institute.  Some nice stuff you got there.  Keep working on it!  If a may give a bit of advice, try not to use to much brown on your photoshop paintings.  I am guessing that one is a self portrait.  There are so many more colors on your face than just brown, light brown, and white.  There are all sorts of blues and greens, some yellows and reds.  Just don't get stuck thinking well skin is a tannish color, because it really isn't. 

For the vodka one, you should make the top background taller.  The background sort of mushes the bottle making it seem small.  When advertising something you want to make it look big and exciting.  A towering bottle, better than all the rest.

And here is one of mine.  My version of an old meme.  Feel free to crit.

[Image: gnomedone.jpg]

RE: photoshop - .dmg - Dec 07 2011

Awesome, I actually love to crit, and thank you for your input. The digital painting is actually a buddy of mine, and I only took one digital painting class. Really I like to work in a more loose style; realism doesn't really do it for me, but it is fun once in a while.

I would also call myself a fine artist at heart, and I have an interesting style. If you are aware of Dada's automatic drawing; It is kind of like that mixed with Jackson Pollack, and M.C. Escher. I call it nonrepresentational improv drawing, but I also do the same style with acrylics. Never worked in oils, just don't have the patients for it.

Then my main medium at the moment is photography. Love all the toys, and how technical it is.

Luv the nome!! Man that beard must have taken a long time. If I had to tell you something constructive I would like to see some background. Maybe you have not gotten that far but a background would give more to the story of this guy.

RE: photoshop - Dre@m$ - Dec 07 2011

lol nice to know there more people that use photoshop.your style is nice your more of a Ad maker then anything... i like it they look Sweet! for me i make alot of Fourm Sigs then anything. alot of people know me in my school for my Sweet t-shirt designs

RE: photoshop - KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® - Dec 08 2011

.::Dre@m$::. Wrote:alot of people know me in my school for my Sweet t-shirt designs

Lol, but you suck at doing forum signatures? how are you good at t-shirt designs? Big Grin

@.dmg Looks pretty easy to do all those types of design, simple, clean. Not a big deal. All i can say is, keep doing what you are doing, use your own style, what ever you want to add on you work. If you want CnC, Just accept them, even if they say you need to work on your color, blending or what ever they think is good for them. Just keep it clean and use what you think looks great.

RE: photoshop - Dre@m$ - Dec 09 2011

yes xD i do Simple Minecraft Shit or DC shoe logos xD