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Expired Admin ingame - Printable Version

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Admin ingame - Tony Hawks - Dec 09 2011

how do you know if various online players in-game are a positive admins? are there any unique aspects that determines their admin status or is it just staying anonymous and the only way to know if their an admin is finding out from this site, I've seen numerous admin impersonation in-game so that really puts me off the hook, I will accumulate further info or evidence to subjugate this matter, hence watch out..

RE: Admin ingame - SpartanOnLSD - Dec 09 2011

The only way to tell is if if they have the same name on the forums as on in game...like my self b/c it will say they are a Server admin or Jr admin or something like mine does. best way to find out if they are admin is to send them an admin message... i think its done by doing a Teamchat With the @ then sapce then mg..so...."TEAMCHAT@ MSG" my button for teamchat is Y. so for me it would be "Y@ MSG"

otherthan that if you think that someone is impersonating an admin...i guess you could post there name and steamID on the forums by tpying status in your console an then copying then name and STEAMID.

RE: Admin ingame - Anonymous - Dec 09 2011

You don't need to know which admin is on the server, if you would like to report admin abuse you need to provide time, server, abusive admin action. Everything we do is collecting in admin logs.

RE: Admin ingame - Mr.Tea - Dec 09 2011

If you think someone is impersonating an admin.  Just type status in console and post their steam id here.  Impersonating admin is a no no.