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Resolved Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - A Boy Named Sue - Dec 15 2011

Hello Everyone.  I recently received a permanent ban, and I am unsure why.  I do not use hacks, and while I do sometimes use language in chat it is never meant in a cruel manner.  If someone could please tell me the reason for the banning, and perhaps review it I would be deeply in your debt.  Thanks, A Boy Named Sue

RE: Ban Appeal - Mr.Tea - Dec 15 2011

No problem, read our guidelines and adbide before your appeal will be considered.  Have a great day.

http://war-lords.net/protests/protest-s ... uidelines/

RE: Ban Appeal - A Boy Named Sue - Dec 15 2011

Account Name/Steam ID: tuckas101
Email: [email protected]

Ban Protest:  Hello everyone.  Everyone has been very helpful with the process so far and I just wanted to say thanks. I found out that my ban was done by the console for the use of autofire on Dust2.  When i was banned I was using the 5/7 pistol which can shoot quite fast and I am fairly quick on the mouse which is why I believe it set off the console to ban me.  I have never been banned before, and I do not use hacks, as is evident by my kill to death ratio.  I always play the game fairly and honestly, and the War-lords servers are my favorites.  If any further information is needed please feel free to contact me and I apologize for any inconvenience, but I was not hacking and do not deserve a ban.  Thanks, A BOY NAMED SUE

RE: Ban Appeal - Mr.Tea - Dec 15 2011

I throw you a bone since it was a good faith try.  Your steam id should be something like STEAM_0:1:XXXXXXXX; you find it by typing status in console and you were banned by SMAC for auto-trigger detection.  You will have to wait for a root/senior admin to handle your case.

RE: Ban Appeal - M. Bison - Dec 15 2011


http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.p ... 5+&Submit=

I'm not confident in the accuracy of Auto Fire (1) bans so I'll lift this.