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Resolved banned... sorry. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved banned... sorry. (/thread-6450.html)

banned... sorry. - Yuuki <3 - Mar 04 2012

all right, cas, im sorry. but come on!!!
i asked them if i could play music, and they said yes.
you werent there, i think...
and i asked them to tell me to stop when they wanted.
and you came in, banned me, and yea...

Sorry cas~ Sad
unban me plz?

RE: banned... sorry. - Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep - Mar 04 2012

Drunk let you play one song today and said to stop it after.

Now,When i joined the server, you were playing music and peoples were asking you to stop, You asked Me if you could play songs and i said no. I, and drunk gave you many warnings to stop. Now, i went afk for about 30 minutes, when i came back i saw you were playing songs again, i looked at the chat, and saw 2 or 3 people asked you to stop, so i banned you without warnings because i gave you enough warnings during the day.

And i've told you many time that HLDJ isn't allowed at all. It is considered Mic spamming.

Anyway, i've reduced it to an hour ban, Next time you join our servers, Please follow the rules and do not mic spam.
Hope to see you on the server in an hour!

RE: banned... sorry. - Yuuki <3 - Mar 04 2012

i know, i know XD
im just gonna spectate 1 hour Tongue

RE: banned... sorry. - Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep - Mar 04 2012

your ban is now expired. Have fun again on our servers!

RE: banned... sorry. - Eternal - Mar 04 2012