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Resolved Love - Printable Version

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Love - Aimfish - Mar 12 2012

MrDick :  naive is fag he muted me again
PicA connected.
ceddeeoo HAIL SATAN HAIL SAGAN :  wasnt going for originality there...
MrDick :  i hate that bitch
Anaphylatic killed EnDoSmOkE(BeAsTmOdE) with glock.
Abe killed Erza Scarlet <3's Fairy Tail with p228.
MrDick :  that fucker muted me for no reason
BukJasoN <3's Fairy Tail killed LURV with sg550.
The Avon Lady killed Goddamn Batman with m4a1.

I'm just gonna leave that here...

The reason Naive muted him was because he was annoying the entire team, as I was there at the time, so I can vouch for Naive.

RE: Love - naive - Mar 13 2012

O.o, MrDick gets auto muted whenever he joins I'm pretty sure. I didn't even remute him. I was trying to be nice to him and unmuted him while I was keeping an eye on him, but he still gets automuted wen he joins. I didn't remove that (I didn't put it there either). He is just too dumb to understand that I was trying to be nice to him.

RE: Love - M. Bison - Mar 13 2012

I permanently muted him a while back. I'd warn him to stop mic spamming and he'd leave only to strike again sometime later. He got what he deserved.  Wink

RE: Love - ruplayer - Mar 13 2012

If memory serves me well, he sprayed inappropriate pictures, and I banned him for that as well. (without checking sourcebans)

RE: Love - M. Bison - Mar 13 2012

I've gone ahead and perm banned him. He was spamming chat again.  Wink

http://sourcebans.war-lords.net/index.p ... 1768117575

RE: Love - i cri everytiem - Mar 13 2012

I bet in 10 minutes he'll be here spamming the forum asking for get his ban appeal accepted.

Quote:I can chat spam but im not
no plz
i never spammed chat
u accused my off spamming
i didnt mic spam
i dont know why did u do that
quote from player's gameme stats..
LOL when i read this i just LOL'd