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Shoutcast from my Cevo-Main Match - Printable Version

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Shoutcast from my Cevo-Main Match - helmut^ - Mar 13 2012

Had 2 matches tonight, here is the first one vs Adaptive Gaming -


Match starts around 4:30

RE: Shoutcast from my Cevo-Main Match - SpartanOnLSD - Mar 13 2012

you had a nice awp clutch. GJ

the guy doing the camera view was doing like some stupid overhead angle...lol

RE: Shoutcast from my Cevo-Main Match - helmut^ - Mar 13 2012

SpartanOnLSD Wrote:you had a nice awp clutch. GJ

the guy doing the camera view was doing like some stupid overhead angle...lol

Yeah it got bad in the 2nd half