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Resolved Ban appeal (hack admission) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved Ban appeal (hack admission) (/thread-6976.html)

Ban appeal (hack admission) - Xx3dGard0xX - Apr 25 2012

Name : Xx3dGard0xX
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38696413

Well i played in Warlords.net from december 2011 or this new year i dont remeber but i usually play in the Dust2 Deathmatch and Snipers servers and i got banned because of hack and i say im good playing in those server but i being stupid,
I try to hack beacuse that day i was mad because someone say that im very bad playing Css and i say him i will kill him very bad but i was stupid trying to do that with a hack  was my first time trying to do something bad like hacking in a online game plzz unban me a u will see my stats in a few weeks without hacks ... and i rlly srry if u see my stats i  was in  the top 50 in Deathmatch without hacking but i really want to comeback to servers and play again  srry again very stupid from my doing that ........ i repeat thats my first time hacking or doing something bad in servers from CSS and other games and again srry well that's all i wanna say :/ And i understand ur decision thank you

PD: i have bad english :/

RE: Ban appeal (hack admission) - lin3ar - Apr 25 2012


You were warned by the MOTD that any form of cheating will result in a ban. The consequences should have been evident to you. Over 72 hours on our servers and you didn't know that hacking will get you banned? Your excuse is not a valid one.

If you want to play again on our servers, you will need to buy a legitimate copy of CSS.

RE: Ban appeal (hack admission) - Xx3dGard0xX - Apr 25 2012

what is MOTD
other people admit they hack and they got unbanned, i cant think that other people can be unbanned and me not?! why? what i do to u? They hack too and they got a seconds chance ? I want a second chance too :O

http://war-lords.net/protests/ban-appeal(hack-admission)/ <----- Other ban appeal

I need to say that i want a second chance Sad idk why other people have it and me not plzz there are a reason why i hack and this guy not (He hack because he was stupid, me because i was angry) the first one was aproved and mine rejected? D:

RE: Ban appeal (hack admission) - i cri everytiem - Apr 27 2012

Xx3dGard0xX Wrote:hey can u see my unban request? http://war-lords.net/protests/ban-appea ... -admission)-6976/ plzz help me i will do anything to come back to that servers Sad

Quote:Do NOT PM me or other staff members trying to our attention to your protest. All protests will eventually be reviewed by a staff member.

RE: Ban appeal (hack admission) - Xx3dGard0xX - Apr 27 2012

OK Srry for that but ok i will wait i think 2 or more weeks are good to undestand the rules and dont hack again u dont think so? well u know my history if u search me i will be here every 2 days if i can and thanks for ur attention

RE: Ban appeal (hack admission) - lin3ar - Apr 27 2012

Xx3dGard0xX Wrote:Xx3dGard0xX has sent you 20 credits. If they left a message explaining why, it will be below:

Plzz give me a second chance other guy hacked too and he have his 2nd chance plzz and u will see how i grow and be a good player and i have friends in the server i want to meet again Sad plzzz if u want i can give u every credit i get or smthing idk what u want but i want to comeback
Have a good day,
--Forum Management

Don't even think about trying to bribe the staff into unbanning you.

This appeal is done.


RE: Ban appeal (hack admission) - Leaky - Apr 27 2012

Due to the constant begging / pestering of the staff and the attempted bribe with fake, useless, forum moneys I am closing this topic.

This ban will stick, if you would like to continue playing with the community you will need a new legit copy of CS.
