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Be kind to newbs!!! - Printable Version

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Be kind to newbs!!! - spiceyicey - Jan 13 2011

Just writing this because (as others have posted) it seems like all the players online want it to be a world free of newbs. We were all newbs once. and we all had to Download a map the first time we played it. so, bottom line.....if someone joins your game, and they start downloading a map, let them finish. Even if you boot them right after, they will at least be able to creat a game for other newbs to join and get to know the map.....then the next time they join your game, you wont need to boot them!

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - KŋÏğĦ‘tRìĐě® - Jan 14 2011

Shit man, i just installed sc, starter playing again, join some games, starter downloading, then when i got to 15% i got banned, so i whisper the hoster, "why did i got banned". he said i was downloading the map, " i must be newb at it" shit...  Doesn't hurt trying new maps, you must be good at it or not, but you'll learn. Plus i already played that game i was going to download. I told him before not to ban me. He just hammered me Big Grin

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - Eternal - Jan 14 2011

Well usually what i notice is that its actually newb hosts that do it or people that think they're pro at the map...

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - shihyung - Jan 16 2011

I think that's why many of the people start getting hacks and stuff. They don't wanna be called noobs and so they just start hacking to be "better."

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - Verius - Jan 16 2011

Yes please. Being kicked from games labeled as "1v1 noobs come" sucks Sad

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - epic - Jan 17 2011

yeah, i'd say 90% of the games that have the words "noobs only" in the game title are with experienced starcraft players lol

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - PaSS - Jan 17 2011

EternalReaper Wrote:Well usually what i notice is that its actually newb hosts that do it or people that think they're pro at the map...


for me being a 8year vet i run apon this time after time to tell u the truth if u take a close look at all the latest maps there really really easy to beat like banning game

u just run past the other guy woo i win

back 6 years ago and before i played a simple but hard game called archon d really fun and hard game that requires a full house i played it the other day with full houses 6  or 7 times in a row and lost every time the  noobs now days arent as good as when i started trust me on this games are getting easyer and easyer maps are getting shityer and shityer

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - Eternal - Jan 18 2011

epic Wrote:yeah, i'd say 90% of the games that have the words "noobs only" in the game title are with experienced starcraft players lol

People who put "noobs only" are hypocrites... if a noob does join, they will most likely kick them, if a pro player joins, they play em, lose to em, and say that their not a noob... -__-

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - kamichugod - Jan 22 2011

I just started playing again after 7 months, I lost all maps cuz i erased Sc

People called me a noob cuz i didn't have the map and I got kicked after every 90% dl

They whisper me and called a noob for dling

It pisses me off that many players act all that when they are not  :o

RE: Be kind to newbs!!! - Dre@m$ - Jan 23 2011

welcome to my world of having 100-123-30 :o