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Replaced my hard drive, and had to completely reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Replaced my hard drive, and had to completely reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop (/thread-7145.html)

Replaced my hard drive, and had to completely reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop - Hastati - May 07 2012

Now my points have been reset due to this. My name is Hastati and I had like 45,000 points now to 1,000 :/. I'm assuming my steam ID was reset because of this complete reinstall of my laptop (mind you, it's the same one as before just new hard drive, and everything completely reinstalled). It's not a big deal to me at all if my points can't be restored but i'm just wondering if it's possible.

RE: Replaced my hard drive, and had to completely reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop - Spartacus - May 07 2012

Hastati Wrote:Now my points have been reset due to this. My name is Hastati and I had like 45,000 points now to 1,000 :/. I'm assuming my steam ID was reset because of this complete reinstall of my laptop (mind you, it's the same one as before just new hard drive, and everything completely reinstalled). It's not a big deal to me at all if my points can't be restored but i'm just wondering if it's possible.

That doesn't make sense. Points aren't stored in your pc. They're stored in...a magical place for points.

RE: Replaced my hard drive, and had to completely reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop - i cri everytiem - May 07 2012

This can take a while, and yes, this is possible, but give us your new and old steam id. Also, be patient!

RE: Replaced my hard drive, and had to completely reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop - Hastati - May 07 2012

my old steam ID wasSTEAM_0:0:2140257548
my new steam ID is STEAM_0:0:816409845

RE: Replaced my hard drive, and had to completely reinstall windows 7 onto my laptop - Cortex - May 07 2012

drunk killer ftw