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Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - Printable Version

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Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - Call me when humans go extinct - May 08 2012

why, why, why....

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - BRABUS - May 08 2012

where is the butter?!

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - BaNaNaMaN - May 08 2012

Sorry, I used the butter for my breakfast.

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - Call me when humans go extinct - May 08 2012

just guess....

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - ceddeeoo - May 08 2012

Angel Wrote:just guess....

uhhhhhhh nope

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - George Of The Jungle - May 08 2012

Well, you see my dear Chinese friend. Some say the man, who was called Billy Mumphrey, was a simple country boy, you might say a cockeyed optimist who got himself mixed up in the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue. He was married to his wife just for show, they lived in a penthouse in New York. They got themselves a dog, a dog called Edward. That dog liked to pee on the carpet, and Billy hated that of course. It was well known that Edward was crazy about butter, just nuts about it. And it has been reported that Billy threw the butter out of the window just so Edward would jump after it, plunging to its death.

Others say this is all just bullshit that makes no sense, and that the man threw the butter out of the window because he wanted to see a butterfly.

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - silly - May 08 2012

Actually, good sir, you are completely, absolutely and utterly and terribly and mustardly mistaken with your erroneous assumptions of preposterousness. In actual fact, it was partially the fault of the household butler, Mr Davenport. You see, he's an old kind of fellow, what with his white hair and whatnot, and therefore has a rather curous tendency to at times be very incredibly hard of hearing. Indeed, very much so. So one fine day, ol' Davenport was fulfilling his everyday duties which were fabulously expected of him, in some sort of marvelous fashion, and he hears some sort of nonsense going on in another room. Being an inquisitive kind of chap, he inquisitively inquisitated the local area in a display of what could only be suggested to be ravishing... Upon this action however, he makes out a voice which seems to belong to none other than his employer, Dr Flambacht, a Prussian aristocrat who is completely unaware of the undoing of his motherland. However, at this stage it was apparent this very same doctor was remarking to an anonymous individual that the new butler was superb, and much more efficient in tasks than the previous. It occurred to Mr Davenport that his ancestry had served the Flambacht aristocracy for generations, and with an unfathomable proportion of loyalty and dexterity to spare. Also, he was very poor, and otherwise without a survivable income. Of course, with this firsthand information at hand, the butler was unable to handle the knowledge that he had been replaced. Therefore, with spectacular form, he uncontrollably burst through the door, with the intention to grab the figure who was in conversation with his employer. Enraged, he flung the personhood out of the window, with every inclination to remove the usurper from this world. He was of course, then informed that he had not thrown a new butler out of the window, but had in fact thrown delicious and perfectly fine new butter. Many such butters lost their lives that day, a tragedy indeed.

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - Cortex - May 08 2012

he wanted to see the butterfly

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - Fuzzy Izzie - May 08 2012

George and Silly's posts made my day.
And week.

RE: Why did a man throw the butter out of the window? - JackMonroe - May 08 2012

I read that as "Why did the man throw the butler out of the window."